The benefits of EECP- (FDA USA approved non surgical technique) –compared to angioplasty, bypass surgery in selected patients** where Non-Invasive option can be included as an Alternative to Invasive Procedures.
Patient & Insurance
company benefit with EECP
Disadvantages of
Angioplasty/Bypass surgery
Lebih murah
selected group of population.
Tidak membutuhkan
biaya tambahan
Butuh biaya tambahan
bila terjadi komplikasi
Mengurangi biaya setelah terapi selama 5 tahun (kunjungan RS,
tests, obat-obatan)
EECP mengurangi frekuensi rawat inap RS 14,5-7,8 hari/tahun pada
pasien yang tidak dioperasi
Setelah operasi tetap membutuhkan
kombinasi dengan EECP setelah 3-5 tahun
et al, “Comparison of Patients undergoing EECP and PCI for stable angina
pectoris” The American Journal of Cardiology
89(2002):1182-6;FUnger,PWSerruys,MHYacoub,etal, “Revascularization in
Multivessel Disease: comparison between two-year outcomes of Coronary Bypass
Surgery and Stenting” The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery
125(2003):809-20;The Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization(BARI)
Investigators, “Comparison of Coronary Bypass Surgery with Angioplasty in
patients with Multivessel Disease “The new England Journal of Medicine
335(1996):217-252.ASBrown,DEHo,D Heavery et al., “The improvements in
exercise tolerance post EECP in patients with chronic refractory angina are
related to diastolic augmentation” Heart 85(Suppl I) (2001):41(125)
Mengurangi insiden
serangan jantung & memperbaiki kualitas hidup
Resiko serangan
jantung tetap ada
prove link of depression and heart attackGLFricchione,KJaghab,WLawson et al,
“Psychosocial effects of EECP in the Angina Patient, ” Psychosomatics
36(1995):494-7SKarim, MKasim, RSuwita,et al., “EECP Protects Coronary artery
disease patients from Future cardiac events“ Journal of Heart disease I
(1999):223 (889)
Mengurangi pengulangan
prosedur dengan EECP (1 tahun 9%, 5 tahun 40%)
Membutuhkan lebih
banyak prosedur
EDKennard, JMForis,et al, “Comparison of Patients Undergoing EECP and PCI for
stable angina pectoris,” The American Journal of Cardiology
89(2002):1182-6;The Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization(BARI) Investigators,
“Comparison of Coronary Bypass Surgery with Angioplasty in patients with
Multivessel Disease “The New England Journal of Medicine
335(1996):217-25;WELawson,JCKHui and JCCohn “Long term prognosis of patients
with angina treated with EECP: Five –year follow up study,” Clinical
Pada kasus serangan jantung
setelah terapi EECP, kemungkinan otot jantung yang rusak berkurang & akan
diperbaiki dengan sirkulasi kolateral yang terbentuk
Tidak terdapat
sirkulasi kolateral & tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadi serangan jantung
MKasim, RSuwita,et al., “EECP Protects Coronary artery disease patients from
Future cardiac events“ Journal of Heart disease I (1999):223 (889)
EECP sebagai terapi
pertama yang dipilih disamping bypass & angioplasty
Merupakan pilihan
WELawson, JCKHui, et al, “EECP as initial Revascularization Treatment for
angina refractory to Medical Therapy”,Cardiology100(2003);129-35
aman, tidak ada efek samping, tidak nyeri, murah
kematian 1-8%, komplikasi berupa stroke, infeksi, perubahan kognitif, perdarahan,
dsb, yang berakibat meningkatkan biaya perawatan
mortality seen in International EECP registry, Well documented mortality
rates, other complications with angioplasty and Bypass surgery.
Tingkat kematian 4 kali menurun (studi di
China selama 8tahun)
Insiden serangan jantung menurun 2-3 kali
Tingkat kematian menurun dari 14,1% menjadi 4,1%
(terapi EECP komplit)
mempunyai keuntungan lain
Trial Research Group,12 April 2007,The New England Journal of Medicine
356:11and several other studies1.YYXu, DYHu, ZSZheng, “External
Counterpulsation-Review article,” Chinese Medical Journal
103(1990):762-712.SKarim, MKasim, RSuwita,et al., “EECP Protects Coronary
artery disease patients from Future cardiac events“ Journal of Heart disease
I (1999):223 (889)
Internal Medicine News 15 May 2008,pg 30,WELawson American College of
Cardiology annual meeting
Day care treatment (1-2jam per hari), tidak perlu rawat
Rawat inap, membutuhkan waktu untuk pemulihan
Hospitalization makes patients susceptible to get hospital based
infections, increasing complications cost of hospitalization and treatment.
Setelah Bypass & angioplasty, tetap direkomendasikan untuk
Banyak pasien yang tidak mungkin untuk mengulang
WELawson, JCHui, T Guo, et al, “Prior revascularization
increases the effectiveness of EECP”, Clinical
Cardiology,21(1998)841-4.CPFitgerald, WELawson, JCKHui, et al, “EECP as
initial Revascularization Treatment for angina refractory to Medical
Memperbaiki sirkulasi kolateral di jantung
Jacobey JA, Taylor WJ, et al, Am J Cardiol 1963:11(2):218-27DMasuda, RNohra,
THirai, et al., “The new Therapeutic approach with EECP in patients with
Chronic stable angina: Evaluation of Myocardial Flow and Flow reserve by N-13
Ammonia PET,” Circulation 100 (1999):I-732(3865).Stys,
Ramasamy S et al 2002, Tartaglia Ramasamy et al 2003
Aman, efektif untuk pasien gagal jantung
Tidak untuk pasien gagal jantung
PEECH studyMechanisms and Evidence for the role of EECP in Heart
failure management, Marc D Silver, Current Heart Failure reports 2006
Keuntungan tambahan untuk penderita diabetes : memperbaiki
sirkulasi retina
DWerner, G Michelson, JHarazny, et al., “Changes in Ocular Blood
Flow Velocities during External Counterpulsation in healthy volunteers and
patients with atherosclerosis,” Graefe’s Archives of Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology 239(2001):599-602
Mood pasien & keluarga tetap terjaga, dapat kembali
30% pasien tidak dapat kembali bekerja, depresi berat, produktivitas
The Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization(BARI) Investigators,
“Comparison of Coronary Bypass Surgery with Angioplasty in patients with
Multivessel Disease “The new England Journal of Medicine 335(1996):217-25,
GLFricchione,KJaghab,WLawson et al, “Psychosocial effects of EECP in the
Angina Patient, ” Psychosomatics 36(1995):494-7
Memperbaiki fungsi neurohormones, Endothelin, BNP, NO, VEGF,
ANP, dsb
Wu GF et al,Circulation1999Urano et al, JACC jan 2001Masuda et
al, Euro Heart Jour 2001, Xiao-Xian Quian et al, J Heart Dis.1999
EECP mengurangi proses inflamasi yang disebabkan oleh
JYJi,HJing and SLDiamond, “Shear stress causes Nuclear
localization of Endothelial Glucocorticoid receptor and expression from the
GRE Promoter,” Circulation Research 92(2003):279-85
Memperbaiki sirkulasi & fungsi endotel pada sistem jantung
Kerusakan endotel ketika memasang stent akan menyebabkan proses
HUrano, SLida, KFukami,et al, “Intermittent shear stimuli by
EECP restores endothelial function in patients with Coronary Artery Diseases”
Circulation 102(18Suppl 2) (2000):II-57(277), P.O Bonetti, GWBarsness,
PCKeelan,et al., “EECP improves endothelial function in patients with
symptomatic coronary artery disease” Journal of the American College of
Cardiology 41 (2003):1961-8,
EECP mengurangi kekakuan arteri
“EECP treatment improves arterial wall properties and wave
reflection characteristics in patients with refractory angina” C
Richard Conti et al., Journal of the American College of Cardiology vol
48 no 6, 2006 1208-14
Dapat dilakukan pada semua pasien seperti orang tua tanpa
meningkatkan resiko
Keuntungan hanya didapat untuk pasien & beresiko untuk
pasien orang tua
Double blind study establishes benefit; over 100 studies in
leading international Journals establish benefit.Indian studies available
No double blind studies available, no benefits seen over medical
line of treatment in several studies, except in certain specific indications.
MUST-EECP studyBibliography of EECP studies
Trehan et al, Indian Heart Journal.
Memperbaiki aliran darah untuk ke organ seluruh tubuh (ginjal,
DWerner, AJohn, T Tragner, et al, “Improvement of Renal
Perfusion and function by Pneumatic External Counter pulsation” European
Heart Journal19(Abstr suppl) (1998):655(P3660) DWerner MSchneider, MWeise et
al, “Pneumatic External Counterpulsation:a new method to improve Organ
Perfusion” The American Journal of Cardiology 84 (1999):950-2,A7-8
Approved by Tamil Nadu Govt., Indian Bank Association, and Star
Health Care Insurance, more to follow, several insurance co’s approve upon
representing case.
Approved, Mediclaim paid up to policy limits, Insurance company
approved limits.
Paid by Reliance Insurance, and others.STAR Health Co reimburses
75000..Entire cost of EECP reimbursed.
EECP dapat dilakukan sesegera mungkin setelah angioplasty atau
stent untuk mengurangi penutupan kembali sebanya 30%
Terbentuk plak kembali setelah stents, bypass pada beberapa
TPStys, WELawson, JCKHui et al, “Safety and effectiveness
of EECP in improving angioplasty restenosis” Journal of Heart Disease
Safety and Effectiveness of Enhanced External Counterpulsation
in Improving Angioplasty Restenosis.
on 2nd International
Congress on Heart Disease Washington DC, USA, July 21-24, 2001.
T.P. Stys,
W.E.Lawson, J.C.K.Hui, J.J. Tartaglia, R. Subramanian, Z.M.Du,
Mengobati akar permasalahan sehingga pasien dapat kembali melakukan
Tidak menghilangkan akar permasalahan, hanya terapi lokal
System terapi luas untuk penyakit yang mempunyai pengaruh luas
pada tubuh
Terapi local untuk penyakit yang mempunyai pengaruh luas pada
Merelaksasi jantung & seluruh sistem, juga meningkatkan
suasana hati, sementara pengobatan diberikan sambil memberikan tambahan
oksigen & nutrisi ke otot jantung
Prosedur bersifat sementara, & memberikan beban kepada
pasien & keluarga
Tidak operasi & tanpa obat
Dengan operasi, obat & komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi
Well documented deaths during surgery, anesthesia, shock.
Sub-populasi khusus yang akan memperoleh manfaat tambahan dengan EECP adalah orang tua dan lemah, Wanita, Penderita diabetes, gagal jantung kongestif, anginamikrovaskuler
Rationale for benefits in these subpopulations, experience,
Memperbaiki penyakit lain seperti stroke iskemik, disfungsi
erektil, penyakit pembuluh perifer, diabetes, penyakit ginjal
Rational-improved blood flow to various organs with EECP, some
studies available.
- Patients where surgeons and interventional cardiologist feels patient outcome is guarded (High risk and more chance of restenosis of stent and graft occlusion)
- Patient whom interventional procedure is already done and still symptomatic with graft occlusion and restenosis. Repeat procedure is invariably high risk.
- Old age patients.
- Patients with other co-morbid condition.
- Very poor heart functions were surgical or interventional procedure has higher mortality rate and prolong hospitalization.
- Patients with diffuse vessel disease where surgical or interventional procedure is not possible.
- Patients with small vessel disease.
- Patients with multiple obstructions in distal part of the vessels.
- Patients who are unwilling to go for Angioplasty or CABG in spite of strong indication
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